

Management of Organic Waste

      The most important aspect of animal industries whether it is from abattoir, farms or from dead or fallen animals, is the management of the waste originating out of it in a regular manner with a substantially higher amount. The importance of these wastes are more relevant to control environmental pollution due to the fact that the effluent out of these sectors have been a very high BOD values and this must get a separate line of disposal than that of normal domestic sewage system.  Therefore, the planning in regard to management of these organic waste needs a very specialised study with a very organised interrelationship between city planners, animal scientists and public health personnel.  To understand the organic waste the following topics need to be appreciated.

Disposal of carcasses

  • It is utmost important to properly dispose if the carcasses of animals died of notifiable disease in order to prevent the spread of disease and to prevent human infection in case of zoonotic disease.
  • In fact, an animal died of contagious disease should be removed from the shed as early as possible; sincere it is visually unsightly, may give offensive odour within few hours and may become a disease hazard.
  • The carcass should not be dragged because discharge of its body fluids and blood during dragging may cause infection in the other livestock. It should preferably by lifted by mechanical means such as loader etc.
  • Carcasses should never be disposed of near the flowing water, otherwise it will become a potential source of infection in the areas receiving subsequent water supply.
  • It is also not advisable to open carcasses without the approval of a veterinarian even for flaying.
  • The handling of the carcasses has to be restricted to bare minimum.
  • The method of disposal of the carcasses has to be decided on the basis of disease responsible for death.

Isolation of carcasses and related materials on the spot

  • The carcasses of animals died with symptoms of high-risk infectious diseases should be immediately isolated and their related animals such as used feed, excreta etc., should be disinfected on the spot.
  • Before removal, carcasses should be kept in dry place and covered with a polyethylene sheet.
  • It will be wise to isolate the spot from the nearby environment by checking open feed as well as water supplies and drainage system through this spot.

Veterinary advice

  • Veterinary authorities should examine the suspected and exposed animals and diagnosis of high-risk infectious diseases should be made by them.
  • They should also render advice concerning the mode of transportation and methods of disposal of carcasses besides suggesting protective measures to be undertaken.
  • Further, it should be indicated as to what equipment, items etc. need to be disinfected and which method will be more suitable.


  • Carcasses or condemned parts thereof should be transported to the place of disposal with the utmost care.
  • There is no need to collect such high risk infectious material from different locations at one place.
  • Persons involved in handling such materials have to be provided protective clothing and materials. Such carcasses and condemned parts should be lifted and loaded by mechanical means.
  • Transportation should be done in vehicles, which are exclusively used for carrying carcasses. Such vehicles are properly covered from all sides. These vehicles should also be subjected to proper cleansing and disinfection after every use to prevent spread of contamination into the environment.
Last modified: Thursday, 12 April 2012, 10:39 AM