Cash Captive Bolt Pistol


  • The instrument has a captive bolt arrangement.
    • Physical brain destruction takes place.
    • Changes in intra-cranial pressure and the sudden jerk producing acceleration concussion are noticed
  • In this instrument blank cartridges are used.
  • Strength of the cartridge varies from 1¼ to 7 grains.
  • The bolt is in the form of iron rod of about 6 inches in length and is capable of moving in and out from the pistol.
    • It automatically recoils upon firing a cartridge.
    • The bolt is driven with great force into the skull of the animal penetrating to a depth of 2.5 to 3 inches.
    • The penetrative type captive bolt pistol produces immediate unconsciousness by the velocity of the bolt and the speed (73 m/s) at which it strikes the brain.


  • It is quite safe as blank cartridges are used.
  • Animal falls to the ground unconscious after the shot.
  • No objectionable noise.
  • Bolt becomes automatically free.
  • Only one hand is required to operate the instrument and the other hand is free to control the animal.
  • Instrument never gets heated up even after stunning many animals.
  • Easy and rapid working and hence can be used for many number of animals.
  • Instrument requires ordinary care.
  • It can be cleaned rapidly and easily.
Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2010, 7:20 AM