

  • Captive bolt pistol may be used for stunning of pigs.
  • A bolt which is attached to the pistol is propelled forwards by the discharged gun from blank cartridges and penetrates the skull and brings about unconsciousness.
  • A concentration of 65-70% in air with 45 seconds exposure is more suitable for stunning pigs.
  • Bleeding should be performed within 30 seconds from the time of stunning.
  • Carbon-dioxide stunning is known to yield 0.75% more of blood in bleeding.
  • The current practice is to use 80- 95 % carbon-dioxide in air.
  • Electrically stunned pigs should be bled immediately after achieving the state of unconsciousness, otherwise muscular splash will ensue.
  • The voltage is 75 volts and the time of application is not less than 7 seconds.
  • If high voltage is advocated the time of application should be 3 seconds.
Last modified: Friday, 17 September 2010, 8:34 AM