

  • The family is the most multifunctional of all institutions in the society and is a system of organised relationships involving workable and dependable ways of meeting basic social needs.
  • Specifically family fulfils the following tasks in society.
    • Reproduction and perpetuation of the family and human race.
    • Socialization.
    • Economic maintenance and livelihood.
    • Provision of love, affection and security to the individual and
    • Provision of status to the individual of the family into which he / she has been born.
  • Secondary Institutions
    • Engagement,
    • Marriage,
    • Courtship and
    • Relationship with the family into which marriage has taken place.
  • The family has tremendous influence on the individual, his / her behaviour and their actions for it moulds them from infancy and has significant influence on the development of ones personality.
Last modified: Thursday, 30 September 2010, 5:44 AM