Major roles
Physical traits
Symbolic traits
Basic Social Institution providing for procreation, upbringing and socialization of the children. It provides for security, love and affection to the family members.
Father, Mother, Child
House, Furnishings
Wedding ring, Will
Economic Institutions provide basic physical needs for food, shelter clothing and other necessary supply and services. It includes agriculture, Industry, marketing, credit and banking system, cooperatives.
Employer, Employee, producer, consumer
Factory, Office, Store, godown
Merit, Award, Emblem Trademark
Political Institutions administer the regulatory functions of law and order, and maintains security in the society.
Administrators, Policy makers.
Public Buildings, Public work
Flags, codes, charters
Promote cooperative attitudes, faith, hope, charity. Religion provides a means by which individual can face crises and ups and downs in life with strengths and fortitudes.
Religious leaders
Temple , Church, Mask
Bible, Bhagavatgita, Quran
Educational Institutions brings the Socialization. They help develop knowledge, skill attitude and understanding of the people.
Teacher, Student
School, college, books
Degrees, Diploma
Source: Chtamber, J.B (2000).