Cultural and biochemical characters
Cultural characters
Very strict anaerobe, grows at an opt.temp. of 370C and pH7.4.
It grows on ordinary media and the growth is improved by blood and serum and not by glucose.
Surface colonies are very difficult to obtain as the growth has a marked tendency to swarm over the surface of the agar especially if the medium is moist.
The swarming nature /spreading can be inhibited by increasing the concentration of agar upto 3% (stiff agar).
In this stiff agar individual rhizoid colonies are formed.
On blood agar, it develops partially translucent, grayish colonies with filamentous edges giving a fuzzy appearance.
On horse blood agar, alpha haemolysis is produced, which later develops into beta haemolysis due to the production of haemolysin (tetanolysin ).
C.tetani grows well in Robertson’s cooked meat broth, with turbidity.
The meat is not digested, but is turned black on prolonged incubation.
In gelatin stab cultures a fir tree type of growth occurs, with slow liquefaction.
A greenish fluorescence is produced on media containing neutral red.
Biochemical properties
C.tetani has feeble proteolytic property, so it does not ferment any sugars.
It forms indole. It is MR and VP negative, nitrates not reduced.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:24 AM