


  • It is influenced by several factors, such as the site and nature of the wound, the dose and toxigenicity of the contaminating organism.
  • The incubation period is variable from 2 days to several weeks but is commonly 6-12 days.
  • Initial symptoms include mild stiffness and unwillingness to move. This may proceed to with head, neck and tail becoming rigid.
  • Mild twitching of muscles develops into obvious spasms of muscles, which can occur in response to sudden noises, animal fall over to one side and unable to rise.
  • In the terminal stages the rigidity of muscles extend from the limbs to the trunk, nostrils get dilated, ears erect, nictitating membrane protruded and mastication becomes impossible because the mouth cannot be opened – hence called Locked Jaw.
  • Respiration becomes shallow and rapid before final respiratory failure.


  • No characteristic lesion for this disease but there may be a superficial wound which has developed from accidental injury or from surgery.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 4:25 AM