Developmental cycle of Chlamydiae
They have a unique developmental cycle with alternating, morphologically distinct, infectious and reproductive forms.
The elementary bodies (EB) are small, spherical 200-300nm in d.m., infectious and represents the extracellular form of the organism.
The elementary bodies enters a cell by endocytosis and differentiate into the large (500 –1000nm size), non infectious, but metabolically active reticulate body (RB) inside an expanding vacuole.
The RB multiplies by binary fission producing further RB’s.
At about 20hrs following infection, some of the RB’s start to condense and mature within the inclusion to form EB’s.
In general, release of infectious EB’s begins at about 40hrs post infection due to lysis of the cell.
Chlamydiae are Gram negative; the EBs can be demonstrated by the use of either chemical stains or FAT and IPT.
In modified ZN stain the EBs tend to occur in clumps and stain red against a blue background.
When the modified ZN stained smears examined under darkfield microscopy, the EBs appears as bright green, coccal structures.
In methylene blue stain under dark field illumination the EBs show autofluorescence, they are revealed as refractile, yellow green bodies surrounded by a halo.
In machiavello stain, the EBs stain red against a blue background. In castanedas stain, the EBs are stained blue with a reddish background.
Giemsa stain: Particularly useful in smears from conjuctival swab of feline pneumonitis cases.
Infected conjuctival epithelial cells contain basophilic intracytoplasmic aggregates of C.psittaci.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 8:23 AM