

  • Chalmydiae can be isolated from the blood during the early stage and from the sputum on later stage.


  • In case of abortion, smears from affected cotyledons or chorion, prepared from vaginal swabs and from the wet surface of aborted fetuses.
  • Uterine discharges, fetal membranes, fetal tissues are also useful.
  • Aspirated synovial fluid in polyarthritis, conjuctival swab, samples of lung, liver, spleen and paired serum samples are mostly helpful.
      • Demonstration of Chlamydophila psittaci elementary bodies on smears by using either chemical stains or Immunofluorescence staining.
        In stained smears, Brucella species may look very similar to Chlamydophila psittaci.
        But can be differentiated by serology, isolation and immunological staining methods.
      • Isolation and cultivation
        By inculation into mouse, yolk sac route of embryonated eggs, cell culture and demonstration of LCL bodies.
      • Serological tests like ELISA, CFT, IFAT, LAT
        Cross reactivity between Chlamydiae species and other Gram negative bacteria will complicate the interpretation of serological test.
      • PAGE, Restriction endonuclease analysis and monoclonal antibody typing will help in diagnosis.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:53 AM