History and habitat


  • Rhinosporidiosis is mycosis of cattle, horses, mules, dogs and humans and is characterized by large polyps, tumors or wart like lesions on the nasal and ocular mucous membrane.
  • The causative agent is Rhinosporidium seeberi.


  • Seeberi described the Rhinosporidiosis in Man during 1910.

Natural habitat and distribution

  • The natural habitat of the organism is thought to be associated with stagnant water.
  • The disease has worldwide distribution but its occurrence is most common in India and Srilanka.
  • The disease has been reported in India more frequently in human beings.
  • It is of interest that 90% infections involve the nose of male animals.
  • In south India, particularly humid climatic areas, the disease is more in animals and in dry areas the disease mostly occur in man.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 6:00 AM