C.albicans grows as oval, budding yeast cell on agar cultures & in animal tissues.
Pseudohyphae are also produced in animal tissue by elongation of yeast cells that fail to separate.
In Gram stained smears C.albicans appear as purple-blue yeast cell.
It can also be demonstrated in specimens by 10% KOH (or) by lacto phenol cotton blue.
The tissue sections stained by PAS-haematoxylin (or) methaneamine silver stains, the C.albicans appear as thin walled oval, budding yeast cells and/or in the form of pseudohyphae.
Based on isolation and identification
C.albicans grows well on blood agar or SDA without inhibitors (Candida spp may be inhibited by cycloheximide).
The plates are streaked with a small inoculum as for bacteria. The cultures are incubated at 37ºC, aerobically, for upto 5 days.
Colonies of C.albicans are white to cream, shiny, high convex and have a pleasant beery smell.
Smears from the colonies stained with Gram's or lactophenol cotton blue or methylene blue stain reveal thin walled budding yeast cell and pseudohyphae.
BiGGy agar (Bismuth-sulphite-glucose- glycine- yeast agar) can also be used for the isolation and identification of C.albicans.
Most bacterial contaminants are inhibited by the Bismuth sulphite. C.albicans and C.tropicalis strongly reduce the Bismuth sulphite to Bismuth sulphide.
C.albicans gives smooth, circular, brownish colonies and no color diffusion into the surrounding medium.
The colonies of C.tropicalis are similar but there is diffuse blackening of the medium after 72 hrs.
Germ tube or serum tube test
A small inoculum from an isolated colony is suspended in 0.5 ml of sheep, bovine, rabbit or human serum and incubated at 370C for 2-3 hrs.
A drop of the preparation is examined under phase contrast or high objective of the light microscope.
Small, thin walled tubes will be seen projecting from some of the yeast cells. This is charcteristic of C.albicans.
Demonstration of Chlamydospore (Dalmu's technique)
Subsurface inoculation is made on corn meal- tween 80 or chlamydospore agar and the plates are incubated at 30ºC for 2-4 days.
A thin coverslip is placed on the surface of the agar and examined under high power microscope to demonstrate thick walled chlamydospores borne on the tips of pseudohyphae.
Clusters of smaller blastospores may also be present.
Based on biochemical test
Ability to utilize
C. tropicalis
C. pseudotropicalis
C. parapsilosis
Acid (A) and Gas (G)
A & G
A & G
A & G
A & G
A & G
A & G
A & G
A & G
Chlamydospore on corn meal agar
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 5:59 AM