

  • Sporotrichosis is caused by the dimorphic fungus Sporothrix schenckii.
  • The disease is characterized by nodular lesions that suppurate, ulcerate, drain, and involve the cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues and the adjacent lymphatics.
  • The fungus is widespread in nature, found in soil, on wood, and on other vegetation.
  • The organism gains entrance to the skin through wounds or by traumatic implantation.
  • Occasionally (especially in dogs), the infection may spread to involve bone, muscle, the central nervous system, lungs, or the genitourinary tract.
  • Infections are common, particularly in horses and dogs. In dogs, the disease is more likely to disseminate and result in a fatal infection.
  • In horses, the disease must be differentiated from epizootic lymphangitis (caused by Histoplasma farciminosum).
  • The lymphocutaneous form may be nonsuppurative, or may result in ulcerations and pus that discharge at several sites along the lymphatic channel, which serves as a means of transmission for the organism within the animal.
  • Laboratory rodents are highly susceptible to experimental infection, indicating the virulence of this organism is greater than that of the opportunistic fungi.
  • The disease is infectious, but not contagious, and is chronic.
  • This dimorphic fungus can be isolated from lesions on brain heart infusion agar, blood agar, or Sabouraud agar with cycloheximide and chloramphenicol.
  • The mold is white when young, then turns brown to black.
  • The hyphae are septate and fine, and the microconidia form in clusters at the hyphal tips or as sessile forms at the sides of the hyphae.
  • Differentiation from similar looking fungi is by conversion of the mold to the yeast phase.
  • Single-celled, cigar-shaped yeasts may or may not be seen in pus from lesions.
  • Fluorescent antibody enhances visualization and confirmation of the disease.
  • Serological diagnosis can be made by demonstration of a rise in complement-fixing antibody.
  • Potassium iodide, Amphotericin B, ketoconazole and micoconazole are effective for treatment.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 6:35 AM