Table of contents


MODULE-1: Introduction to Aquatic Animals, aquatic animal ecology and national economy MODULE-2: Fishery as a method of recycling animal and poultry wastes and feed surplus MODULE-3: Types of common aquatic animals, fresh and saline water fish, their collection MODULE-4: Care and breeding, egg and spawn management
Module-5: Integrated aquaculture Module-6: Ornamental fisheries Module-7: Aquatic Animal Feed and Feeding  Module-8: Economic production; Pond and nursery management
Module-9: Inland and marine capture fisheries, stock assessment and population dynamics Module-10: Fish harvesting and process technology, fish preservation, inspection, utilization of fish in animal feed Module-11: Anatomy, Physiology, immunology and inflammatory response in finfish and shellfish (crustaceans and mollusks) Module-12: OIE regulations related to aquatic animal health
Module-13: Viral , Bacterial, Mycotic and Parasitic diseases affecting aquatic animals  Module-14: Nutritional and toxic pathology Module-15: Miscellaneous non-infectious diseases associated with physico-chemical abnormalities of water Module-16: Neoplasia of Teleosts
Module-17: Vaccines and vaccination

Last modified: Monday, 14 May 2012, 10:00 AM