Advantages of vaccination


  • The advantages of vaccination over the use of antibiotics in protecting fishes against diseases are




Curative or treatment measure (given only when disease is seen).

Disease protection effect is provided for a long duration

Disease protection is for a short duration.

All the fishes can be treated with vaccines by immersion method

Treatment is limited as antibiotics can be given only through feed. Diseased or infected fishes cease to feed. Hence delivery of antibiotics in such cases is difficult.

No side effects

Have side effects both on the host and on the disease causing organism. Higher doses would be toxic or lethal to the host and may also result in the emergence of antibiotic resistant pathogens.

No residual accumulation

Some residues are toxic and accumulates in the carcass of the fish. They may pose problem when such fishes are used for human consumption.

There is no legal restriction on the use of vaccines

Legal restrictions are present.

Theoritically vaccines can be prepared for any type pathogen and can be used for the control of diseases.

Limited to the control of bacterial diseases.

No environmantal impact is involved as vaccines are protein molecules

Have environmental impact and they kill both the pathogens and the beneficial bacteria.

  • Infectious diseases such as edwardsiellosis, streptococcosis and vibriosis poses the biggest single threat to aquaculture. Researches are carried out on the development of effective vaccine, immunostimulant and adjuvant in fish. The introduction of a new generation of both oil- and non-oil adjuvant has greatly improved the efficacy of bacterial vaccines and has resulted in an impressive reduction in mortalities. Recent studies have investigated the mechanisms of induced resistance of DNA vaccines, the use of cytokines as adjuvant and the potency of novel fish antimicrobial peptides. 
Last modified: Friday, 16 September 2011, 12:05 PM