

  • Monocytes are present in large numbers in the kidney, suggesting that they are derived from stem cells in this organ. Monocytes are the precursors of macrophages. Monocytes function by responding to infection. Thus, monocytes like granulocytes play an important role in non-specific immunity and the inflammatory response. However, monocytes are much more


  • Monocytes are large cells with a large nucleus, occupying between one third and one half of the cell. The cytoplasm contains small scattered granules.


Thus, monocytes like granulocytes play an important role in non-specific immunity and the inflammatory response. However, monocytes are much more phagocytic than granulocytes.

  • Macrophage: A cell capable of ingesting bacteria, foreign particles, and other cells. There are
    • microphages (neutrophil leucocytes) which are mobile and
    • macrophages which are immobile or sessile (e.g. endothelial cells, mono- and histocytes).
  • Inflammatory response: The reaction of the tissues to injury or presence of any antigen characterized clinically by heat, swelling, redness and pain and pathologically by vaso-dilation, hyperaemia, accumulation of leucocytes, and exudation of fluid and deposition of fibrin. This reaction is termed the inflammatory response.
Last modified: Saturday, 17 September 2011, 7:05 AM