Oocyte recovery


  • In the second (follicular) phase of the oestrus cycle, a number of ovarian follicles (20 or so) grow and become filled with fluid. The fluid -filled space is called the antrum and such follicles are known as 'antral follicles' (or Graafian follicles).
  • In the normal course of events just one of these matures and ruptures, releasing the egg for fertilization.
  • Super ovulation occurs when many more antral follicles are stimulated to mature by injection of gonadotrophins.
  • Pre- ovulatory follicles lie against the surface of the ovary and quite large (about 15 mm in cattle, 8 mm in sheep and pigs).
  • Laparoscopy surgery can be used to recover oocytes from these follicles, allowing them to be matured and fertilized in vitro.
  • A number of eggs can be collected in this way from superovulated donors. The technical demands and cost of surgical procedure of oocyte recovery is high.
Last modified: Saturday, 25 September 2010, 4:31 AM