Ganglionic stimulants


  • Ganglionic stimulants can be classified as 
    • Selective nicotinic agonists include: Nicotine in small doses, lobeline, dimethyl phenyl piperazinum iodide, tetramethyl ammonium.
    • Non-selective/muscarinic agonists include: Acetylcholine, carbachol, pilocarpine and anticholinesterases.
  • Ganglionic stimulants do not find much clinical uses.
  • Nicotine is available as transdermal patches for the treatment of    nicotine   dependence and as an aid to smoking cessation.
  • Side effects of these patches include: headache, insomnia, flu like symptoms, dyspepsia, loose motion and local irritation.
Last modified: Wednesday, 6 April 2011, 4:05 PM