Pharmacokinetics and adverse effects


  • pKa between 8 and 9-mostly ionised at body pH.
  • Given at a local site. Absorption and distribution not desired. If absorbed and distributed, may cause CNS and cardiac toxicity
  • Vasoconstrictors absorption
  • Ester type broken down by esterases while amide type – remain long acting
  • Amide type – hydrolysed by Microsomal enzymes
  • Metabolites excreted in urine
  • CNS – Initial stimulation → tremor, restlessness, convulsions and death
  • Higher doses – depression
  • Low non-seizure dose used for euphoria in man and to enhance performance in horses
  • CVS - decrease myocardial contractility, rate and force of conduction – dilatation of the arterioles
  • Renal and hepatic blood flow - decrease the blood fow to  liver and kidney so lower the metabolism and excretion
Last modified: Sunday, 27 November 2011, 7:57 AM