

  • Set the organ bath assembly.
  • Stun the guinea pig that has been fasted overnight by a sharp blow on the head after adequate sedation. Open the abdominal cavity quickly and isolate a piece of ileum and place it in Tyrode’s solution maintained at 37 ° C.
  • Remove the mesentry of the ileum (muscles should be handled with fingers rather than forceps) and wash the interior content with Tyrode’s solution and mount the tissue in an organ bath which is connected to the transducer.
  • Allow the tissue to stabilize for 30 min and take the responses to drugs.
  • Add Ach, in the presence and absence of atropine and observe the contractile effect of Ach in the presence of atropine. 
  • Add histamine in the presence and absence of mepyramine and observe the contractile effect of histamine  in the presence of mepyramine. 
  • Add barium chloride in the presence and absence of papaverine and observe the contractile effect of barium.



Note: Atropine, mepyramine, papaverine inhibit acetylcholine, histamine and  barium chloride contractile effect.

Last modified: Tuesday, 15 May 2012, 10:18 AM