Rectal examination
Rectal examination in different species
Cattle: Introducing the whole length of the arm into the rectum, make use of the full barred rubber or plastic gloves for hygiene. A suitable obstetrical cream or bland oil, soft paraffin employed. The hand should be flat with fingers together in the form of a cone as it is introduced into the rectum by rotatory movement. A void stretching or gripping which can set up contractions of rectum and avoid injury to lining.
Dog: It is limited because we can feel pelvic organs in the rectum which are within the reach of finger or last finger covered with a plastic or rubber finger stall. In order to avoid injury cut your nails. Rectal exploration is done with a suitable probe.
Horse: Many horses resent the action but once the hand passes beyond the anal sphincter manipulation does not cause pain and no resentment. When the animal strains no pressure must be offered. The arm should be released immediately and allows to be pushed backwards towards the anus. Otherwise it is likely that intestinal wall be performed by fingers. This will result invariably in fatality.
Clinical significance of rectal examination
Cattle: Posterior part of intestines, genital organs, ovary, uterus, cervix, can be palpated. Parietal peritoneum, Rumen āLā shaped in case of vagus indigestion, left Kidney, pelvic bone fracture, anal sac impaction, abscesses, paralysis, pathological condition of lympth nodes and urinary bladder.
Horses: Spasms of rectum, paralysis of rectum, lacerations, perforations of rectum, pelvic bone fracture, crepitation of opposing of fractures during movements.
Dogs: Prior to inserting the finger through anal sphincter note the reaction by lifting the tail. Anal sacculitis, impaction, abscess are palpable by pressing the sac in between the thumb and finger in the anal sac. Bacterial infection is associated with purulent discharge and hemorrhage. While inserting the finger assess the tone of the sphincter. Fluctuation of absence of contraction indicates paralysis of sphincter. The lumen will be irregular if there is diverticulum. The lumen may be narrow if there is stricture, pelvic bone fracture, dislocation etc. in males prostate gland is palpated.
Last modified: Friday, 29 October 2010, 11:02 AM