Properties of Toxicological Importance


  • Urea and other commonly used non-protein nitrogen have the ability to liberate ammonia.


  • Urease is present in many plants and microorganisms and hence is present in the rumen.
  • Hydrolysis of urea is speeded up by urease and an alkaline pH.
  • Excess urea can liberate sufficient ammonium ions to make the rumen contents more alkaline which in turn speeds up further hydrolysis of urea.
  • Toxicosis results from the accumulation of ammonia in the animal.
  • Other factors, which enhance urea toxicosis, are
    • Rapid ingestion
    • A diet low in energy and protein and high in fiber
    • Ingestion of palatable urea concentrate such as urea molasses mixtures
    • High pH in the rumen
    • High body temperature
    • Water deficiency and
    • Feeds rich in urease like soyabeans
    • Stress
    • Hepatic insufficiency
Last modified: Thursday, 15 December 2011, 1:56 PM