Clinical Symptoms and PM Lesions


Clinical signs

  • Sometimes affected animal is found dead and sometimes the onset is slightly delayed.
  • The animal quickly dies after manifesting weakness, dyspnoea, severe colic and terminal toxic convulsions.
  • In some instances the onset of signs takes several hours and a range of clinical symptoms are seen.
  • Behavioural abnormalities like restlessness and dullness initially, later signs of excitation, head pressing, abnormal posturing, jumping over unseen objects and maniacal behaviour.
  • Nervous phenomena like initial hyperaesthesia, tremors, twitching and spasm of muscles beginning from eyelids and proceeding towards the tail are noticed.
  • Autonomic manifestations include salivation, bradycardia, hypertension and severe colic.
  • Gastrointestinal signs include rumen atony, bloat, teeth grinding, groaning, kicking at the abdomen and other evidence of colic. Terminally ill animals may regurgitate and aspirate the rumen contents.
  • Locomotor disturbances like initial in-coordination and later staggering and stumbling prior to collapse.
Post mortem lesions
  • No characteristic lesions are noticed in urea poisoning. Mild pulmonary edema with lung congestion and petichiae are also noticed.
  • Animals bloat rapidly and the carcasses decompose more rapidly.
Last modified: Wednesday, 30 November 2011, 5:58 AM