Surgical technique



  • Incision is taken on ventral midline  from xiphoid backwards.
  •  Abdominal content is packed;
  • Stay sutures are placed on the stomach.
  • Incision on stomach is made on ventral aspect between greater and lesser curvature at hypo vascular area.
  • Precaution is taken not to incise near pylorus (closure of incision may cause in infolding of tissue and the outflow may be obstructed.
  • Stab incision on stomach wall to lumen by scalpel and enlarged with metzenbaum scissors.
  • Suction is used to aspirate gastric content and to reduce spillage.
  • After correction of condition based on indication, closure of incision by 2-0 or 3-0 absorbable suture material. Suturing pattern; two layers;
  •  I layer - Connell suture including all the layers followed by a Lembert/Cushing suture
  • Before closing abdomen incision- instrument is substituted with sterile set  and  gloves are changed 
Last modified: Monday, 26 September 2011, 9:26 AM