Pyloric stenosis in dogs



  • Pyloric stenosis – It refers to benign muscular hypertrophy of the pylorus.
  • Chronic antral mucosal hypertrophy – Refers to benign hypertrophy of the pyloric mucosa causing outflow obstruction.
  • Chronic hypertrophic pyloric gastropathy ( CHPG ) Denotes pyloric hypertrophy without specifying whether the mucosa or the muscularis is involved.


  • Pyloric stenosis also known as – – Benign antral muscular hypertrophy. – Congenital hypertrophic stenosis – Congenital pyloric muscle hypertrophy
  • The cause of pyloric stenosis is unknown, but it may be due to
    • Hypergastrinemia – major regulator of gastric acid secretion and is trophic for gastric smooth muscle and mucosa.
    • Gastrin administration to pregnant bitches
    • Neurogenic dysfunction – spinal cord disorders.
    • Acute stress
    • Inflamatory disease
    • Prolonged gastric distention
    • Foreign body
    • Neoplasm


Clinical presentation

  • Signalment
    • Most commonly seen in brachycephalic breeds ( Boxers, Bulldogs, & Boston terriers )
    • Siamese cats are also affected– Males may be more commonly affected.
    • More common in young animals although all age groups of animals are susceptible.
  • History – the clinical signs are caused by obstruction of gastric outflow.
    • Vomiting – most common sign either intermittent or delayed hours after feeding or both.
    • Regurgitation
    • Aspiration pneumonia
    • Severe dehydration is uncommon but may occur
    • Later chronic vomiting
    • Electrolyte imbalance
    • Metabolic alkalosis

Physical examination findings

  • Generally nonspecific findings   – Weight loss , Anorexia , Depression – Dehydration and / or  – Abdominal pain .
  • Aspiration pneumonia or reflux esophagitis ( or both ) may occur secondary to chronic vomiting


  • Survey Radiographic findings – – Survey radiograph of abdomen may reveal gastric distention ( usually filled with fluid ) –
  • Contrast Radiographic findings – – It reveals delayed emptying – Pyloric wall thickening – And / or filling defect in the pylorus.

Note: Normal elimination of liquid barium does not rule out gastric outflow obstruction

Diffrential diagnosis

  • Any condition that causes vomiting is a differential diagnosis
    • Gastrointestinal foreign body
    • Gastritis
    • Ulceration
    • Uremia
    • Hypoadrenocorticism
    • Diabetic ketoacidosis
    • Hepatic insufficiency
    • Peritonitis, pancreatitis
    • Inflammatory bowl disease
Last modified: Monday, 26 September 2011, 9:37 AM