
  • Foreign body obstruction
  • Stenosis due to inflammation
  • Paralitic Ileus
  • Congenital  stenosis/ agenesis
  • Faecal stasis
  • Intussusception.
  • Torsion / volvulus

Clinical Signs

  • Small animals suffering from intestinal obstruction may vomit.
  • Extreme weakness and animals may die in the course of 8-10 days.
  • Smooth foreign bodies pass through and may cause stoppage at the ileo-caecal valve.
  • Distension of bowel loops and   distended  abdomen
  • Passing no stool/ blood tinged  mucous discharge
  • per rectal examination reveals empty rectum and distended bowel loops.


  •  clinical signs
  • By palpation
  • By X-rays -Plain ,Contrast (Brium Meal)
  • ultrasound
  • laparoscopy/ endoscopy


Enterotomy - It is an incision into the intestine.

  • Procedure
    • Exteriorize and isolate the diseased or obstructed intestine from the abdomen by packing with towels.
    • Gently remove the intestinal contents from the isolated segment.
    • With non crushing intestinal forceps, occlude the intestinal lumen.
    • Make a full thickness stab incision into the intestinal lumen with a No 11 scalpel blade.
    • Remove the foreign bodies by incising the healthy-appearing tissue distal to the foreign body.
    • Remove the foreign body
    • Close the incision with apposition/inversion simple interrupted sutures. and omentalisation.
  • Intussusception Or Invagination of the bowel
    • It is the telescoping or invagination of a proximal intestinal segment (intussusceptum) into the lumen of the distal segment (intussucipiens).
    • Abdominal plapation reveals a sausage shaped mass
    • Treatment is by enteropexy. 
    • Enteroanastomosis is done if the intestinal segment is devitalised
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 9:08 AM