


  • For removing ischemic, necrotic, neoplastic or infected segments of intestine.
  • Irreducible intussusceptions.

Surgical technique

  • Along mid line of the abdomen,  incision, is made sufficient enough to explore the abdomen.
  • Explore the abdomen thoroughly and collect any non intestinal specimens, then exteriorize and isolate the diseased intestine from the abdomen by packing with laparotomy sponges
  • Assess intestinal viability prior to determining the length of intestine requirng  resection
  •  Double ligate and transect the arcadial mesenteric vessels from the cranial mesenteric artery.
  • Double ligate the terminal arcade vessels within the mesenteric fat at the points of proposed intestinal transection.
  • Place forceps across each end of the diseased bowel segment.
  • Transect the intestine with either scapel blade or metzenbaum scissors along the out side of the forceps.
  • Make the incision either perpendicular or oblique to the long axis.
  • Make the oblique incision such that the antimesenteric border is shorter than the mesenteric border.
  • Suction the intestinal ends and remove any debris adhering to the intestinal edges of the segment with a mositered gauge sponge.
  •  Trim everting mucosa with metzenbaum scissors prior to application of anastomotic sutures.
  • Place simple interrupted suture through all layers of intestinal wall.
  • Laparotomy incision is sutured and bandaged.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 10:01 AM