

  • Enterotomy is an incision into the intestine


  • Gastrointestinal obstruction.
  • Neoplasms
  • Diagnostic purpose eg: biopsy

Surgical technique

  • The diseased or desired intestinal segment is isolated from the abdomen by packing with towels or laparotomy sponges. 

isolated the intestine

Isolated the intestine


  • Gently milk the intestinal contents from the lumen of the identified intestinal segment.
  • Occlude the lumen at both end of the isolated segment by having an assistant use a scissor like grip with the index and middle fingers 4 to 6 cm on each side of the proposed enterotomy site.
  • Or use a noncrushing intestinal forceps (Doyen)
  • Make a full thickness stab incision into the intestinal lumen on the antimesenteric border with a No:11 scalpel blade.
  • By making a second longitudinal incision parallel to the first with the scalpel blade , we can obtain full-thickness biopsy samples 4 to 5mm wide.
  • Alternately by removing an ellipse of intestinal wall at one margin of the first incision with Metzenbaum scissors.
  • Close incision with simple interrupted sutures.
  • Use simple continuous or crushing sutures to close the enterotomy incision.
  • If enterotomy has to be performed for removal of foreign body, make an incision in healthy appearing tissue distal to the foreign body.
  • Using Metzenbaum scissors lengthen the incision along the intestine’s long axis to allow removal of foreign body without tearing the intestine.
  • After removal of foreign body, prepare the incision for closure by trimming the everted mucosa so that its edge is even with the serosal edge.

fb removal

Removal of foreign body

  • Sutures are placed through all layers of the intestinal wall 2mm from the edge and 2 to 3mm apart with extraluminal knots.
  •  Use monofilament, absorbable suture material (4-0 or 3-0) with a swaged-on taper or tapercut point needle.

 enterotomy wound suturing

Enterotomy wound suturing

  • Apply gentle digital pressure and observe for leakage between sutures or through needle holes.
  • Lavage the isolated intestine and entire abdomen if contamination have occurred.
  • Omentum can be placed over the suture line (omentalisation) before closing the abdomen, to facilitate healing.
  • Replace contaminated instruments and gloves before closing the abdomen.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 10:01 AM