Examination of blood-stains


  • Examination of blood-stains is of great importance for vetero-Iegal purposes. The blood-stains are examined to ascertain whether or not they consist blood; if so, to what species of animal the blood belongs, whether mammal, bird, fish or reptile.
  • The examination of all kinds of stains is done by the Chemical Examiner. Before removing stains for analysis, a note should be made indicating exactly where they were found and their relative position.
  • Stains from persons and animals are best removed with a piece of filter paper soaked in normal saline solution.
  • The paper is left in contact until it is coloured, then removed and dried. In case of garments and weapons, the articles should be allowed to dry, then carefully and separately wrapped and packed without unnecessary handling.
  • Liquid stains are taken in dry tests tubes with the help of dropper or pipette and the test tube is sealed. The test tube is placed on a cracked- ice container. Moist stains are completely dried and handled as dry stains.
  • Removable stained objects must be sent to the laboratory. Blood-soaked soil is taken up completely and is sent in a glass container. If stains lie on non-removable objects, such as wall and floors, are representative section which contains the stain, is removed by digging out and sent in a container.
  • In exceptional cases stains can be scrapped up by a knife. The examination of blood-stains may be carried out by the following methods:
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 8:51 AM