Post mortem examination of meat
A careful postmortem inspection of the carcass and the parts thereof should be made at the time of slaughter.
Whole carcass and its parts found to be healthy, wholesome and fit for human consumption should be marked “Inspected” and passed.
Each carcass or parts, which is found to e unhealthy and unfit for human food should be marked “Inspected and condemned”.
Carcasses of animals in a well nourished condition showing uncomplicated localized lesions of actimomycosis, or actinobacillosis may be passed after the infected organ or parts have been removed and condemned.
As per the detailed list of the conditions on the basis of which the carcass is completely condemned (Anthrax generalized T.B).
Carcasses in following conditions should be condemned.
Carcasses showing generalized pigmentary deposits.
Carcasses of animals affected with mange, scab in advanced stages.
Carcasses showing any degree of icterus.
All carcasses of animals so affected that consumption of the products thereof may give rise to food poisoning (eg) Generalised inflammatory conditions septicemia or gangrenous conditions -Abscess.
Carcasses which give off pronounced odour of urine (or) of any medicinal or chemical substance.
Carcasses of all unborn and still born animal.
Carcasses of those animals, the meat of which give appearance of water soaked, flabby and tears easily.
Carcasses infested with parasites transmissible to man.
Carcasses of the animals affected with or showing lesions of any of the following diseases should be condemned except when recovery has occurred to the extent that only localized.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 June 2012, 12:42 PM