Shipment of liquid semen
Semen can be transported with all types of transport facilities.
Best type of transport is that which takes less time to reach the insemination centre and gives least jerks and jolts during transport.
A time interval of more than 24 hours fail to maintain requisite temperature in semen container.
Normally, semen should reach all insemination centres within 12 hours from its collection.
- When semen is sent through rail or bus, proper instructions should be issued not to expose the container to sun.
Loose handling and dumping of semen containers in godown should be prohibited.
The container may better be marked “ Living Biological Product” and “Gentle Handling Not To Be Exposed To Sun.”
Transport of semen with cycle is not advisable for more than 10 km during hot season. Motor cycle is not a good transport for semen.
Usefulness of semen transport depends to a great deal on the method of packing . If semen is subjected to jolts and variable temperature, sperm motility is not maintained during transport.
Some of the precautions observed to minimize transport shocks, are as follows
Semen vials should be filled up completely and minimum air space should be allowed in them.
This method not only safeguards the spermatozoa against frequent shocks, but it also minimizes the chances of hydrogen peroxide production in semen.
Semen vials should be maintained in jackets (glass or plastic) which are properly secured and capped. With such precaution spermatozoa do not get cold shock, and semen is not polluted with ice or ice water during transport.
Semen vials when properly corked, should be wrapped one by one in cotton wool paddings or in foam packings. These packages are then placed in a water-proof container, so that semen vials do not come in direct contact with water during transport.
Sufficient crushed ice should be filled in thermos flask to maintain a temperature below 10˚C during transport. Thermos flasks of 4 to 8 pints capacity should be used for transport, as flasks with less capacity do not keep ice longer.
A point may arise if it is necessary to lower down the temperature of semen to 5˚C to 7˚C
In the case of semen preserved at room temperature (20˚C to 25˚C), transport is very convenient. But in India, the environment is not so favourable as in the temperature zones.
The room temperature in India and similar tropical countries varies from about 15˚C in winter moths to 40˚Cin summers. During most of the months. viz, from 35˚C to 45˚C. Consequently, the transport of semen preserved at room temperature cannot be materialized without some cooling device.
Ordinary semen shipper may be prepared by fixing thermos flask in a strong light metal box with perfect insulation.
Iron or wooden crates may be used to protect thermos flasks and shippers from damage during rail or road transport. When semen is carried by a messenger, no such precautions are necessary.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:29 AM