Care and maintenance of LN2 containers
The cryogenic containers are double walled vessels with annular space evacuated and sealed. In addition several types of insulation
The outer walls of the containers are made up of stainless steel, carbon steel or aluminum alloys.
Extreme care should be exercised while handling the containers.
The cryogenic equipment is specific and they are meant to store only the particular liquid for which they are made.
Welding or piercing the container wall is dangerous.
Keep the container in upright position.
Protect the container against shock and rough handling. During transport support the container with soft padding.
Protect against direct sunlight or hot blowing winds.
Charging of warm container should be slow.
Avoid frequent cooling and warming of the containers. Thermal stress may cause so much strain within it, that the inner wall of the container may crack.
Appearance of moisture on the outer wall of the container is a sign of damaged container.
Do not dry the container meant for regular use.
Find out the evaporation rate for each container, so that the periodicity of topping could be organized.
When vacuum disappears, the insulating capacity is lost. The manufacturers alone should do repairing of damaged containers.
Hence, containers should be handled very gently particularly during transport.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:30 AM