Methods of semen collection in stallion
Various methods available for semen collection are
Vaginal method
Described by Frank
Semen is collected either from vagina or uterus after natural service
The mare should be healthy, free from genital diseases and it should not be in foal heat
The stallion is allowed to mount, a rubber tube of 2 to 21/2 inch and 3/16 inch diameter is passed in to vagina and suction by mouth or syringe the semen is collected in a sterile glass bottle
Condom or breeder’s bag method
Used in stallion’s by Mac Leod of Mc Gee.
Artificial vagina method
This method is better than other methods of semen collection due to more satisfactory results and less contamination.
There are different types of AV like Missoueri model, Mississipppi model and Nishikawa model, Colorado model, Hannover model, Krakow – Polish etc.
(Click on the image to enlarge)
Preparation of AV
Most stallions want a temperature of 45-48o C (depends on stallion's preference).
Adjust the pressure to stallion's preference. This keeps a lot of water in the AV and helps prevent cooling.
Use about a tablespoon of non-spermicidal lube when you are adjusting the pressure.
Only lubricate abut the first third of the AV. Lubricate just before collection to avoid drying out the lube and to check for foreign objects (thermometers) in the AV.
Semen Collection
- It is best to collect a stallion when he is at his Daily Sperm Output (DSO).
This is when all the cells he is ejaculating equals the cells he is producing every day.
It may take 7-10 days in some cases to get to the DSO.
Normally the sperm output will stabilize at the daily sperm output.
The mean of last 3 daily collections is DSO.
You can estimate the DSO by taking 27.5% of second ejaculate (taken 1 hr apart). From testicular measurements:
DSO=-3.36 X 109 + (0.066 X 109)(SW in mm)
DSO=(0.024)(TV)-0.76 . (TV=(4/3)(heigth X width X length/2).
For a stallion that has not trained to a dummy, an estrous mare is needed.
Select a mare that is calm and does not like to kick.
If a mare in heat is not available , an anestrus mare given 1-2 mg estradiol cypionate (ECP) will show signs of heat can be used.
An ovariectomized mare given 2 mg ECP 2-3 days in advance is also ideal
A dummy or phantom is ideal if the stallion is trained for it. Dummies do not move or kick.
Wrap the mare's tail and tie it off to the side.
Make sure the restraint is adequate for both mare and stallion.
Prepare the stallion
Tease the stallion to erection.
Wash the penis with warm water only
All the handlers should be on left side and everyone is advised to pull to the left if there is a problem.
The entire collection is a collective effort by everyone involved in getting a semen sample and keeping everyone safe.
Approach the mare at an angle and allow the stallion to mount the mare.
Let the stallion thrust and guide or allow the stallion to insert his penis into the AV.
Gently touch the ventral penis and feel the urethra for the ejaculatory pulses. Others can watch for the flagging of the tail that indicates ejaculation.
After the sample is collected, keep open of the AV upright to avoid spilling the semen out.
Immediately drain the water out to prevent the continued exposure of the sperm cells to hot water.
The water jacket also forms a 'dam' that will prevent the semen from draining into the collection bottle.
Protect the semen from light and cold shock and then begin to analyze it as soon as possible.
The stallion will take 20-30 seconds for ejaculation

Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 11:59 AM