Methods of semen collection in boars
The semen can be collected by
Gloved hand method
Artificial vagina method
The boars penis is spirally twisted counter clock wise.
The artificial vagina should be able to adopt this spiral type of penis to get complete ejaculation.
The length of boar AV- 12.5 cm, Diameter - 4.5 cm.
Inner liner diameter - 40 cm, diameter 3-3.5 cm.
Inside the AV is filled with a heavy rubber casing of 12.5 cm of 4.5 cm diameter of a rubber sponge.
The temperature of AV is about 45-50oC. This rubber casing adopts the cork screw penis and exerts pressure over the penis.
The AV is passed over the penis and several back and forth movements was done to lock the penis in the casing.
The ejaculation commences and continues for about 15 minute with the sperm rich fraction being emitted on 3rd or 4th minute. Frequently these may be a series of sperm rich fractions interspersed between periods of this sperm fractions and gelatinous tapioca like secretions.
Nishikawa of Maule designed a AV in corporating a heavy spiral ring with in the vagina to stimulate the fold’s of the sow’s genital tract.
Electro ejaculation method
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 11:59 AM