Methods of semen collection in dogs
Semen is collected from dogs mainly for breeding soundness examination and for artificial insemination.
Semen collected for insemination can be used fresh or cooled and shipped to another location.
It is also frozen and can be used at any time. Another indication for collecting semen is to obtain prostatic fluid for culture or cytology in cases of suspected prostatic disease.
In dogs the semen can be collected without the need for a teaser bitch, particularly if the male has had the experience of semen collection previously.
However, use of a bitch will almost certainly expedite the procedure and allow more sperm to be harvested.
Ideally the teaser should be in estrus, but considering the length of the canine cycle, that is often difficult to arrange, and a friendly, non-estrus bitch will often serve the purpose.
If a bitch is used, it should be controlled with her rear quarters facing the male.
Digital pressure & massage
Restrain the animal.
Lock your fingers in a ring around the penis, essentially holding the bulbis glandis inside your fist.
- Apply pressure with forward and backward movement; in most cases, the male will begin to thrust back and forth.
Slide the collection cup over the protruding penis and slide it over the penis, pushing the prepuce back over of the bulbis glandis.
- Watch for semen to flow in the collection tube. Most dogs stop thrusting as they begin to ejaculate.
- The ejaculation will come in three fractions. The first fraction is a clear fluid and has only few sperms.
- The second fraction will have the actual semen. The third fraction the will have only prostatic fluid. The different fractions has to be collected in different collection cups.
Most failures arise because the male is shy or otherwise intimidated.
It helps to perform the collection on a non-slip surface such as a carpet.
If the male appears nervous or this is his first time, a teaser bitch may help considerably.

Artificial vagina method
The semen can be collected in artificial vagina also.
The length of canine AV is 19-20 cm and diameter is 5 cm.
The temperature of AV will be around 40-42⁰C and lubrication is not needed.
As for as possible do not allow the dogs to urinate and mark the area.
This act of dog would result in urine in the ejaculate.
In case the dog urinates and marks the area, a few drops of semen may be discarded on the ground in order to clean the passage of urethra of the urine residue.
The dogs penis is stimulated by through the preputial sheath by manipulation.
When the penis is erected out AV is slipped over it. In long haired breeds it should be ensured that no hair comes in between the penis and artificial vagina.
After semen collection, the artificial vagina is gently removed because the dog’s penis remains engorged.
If the AV is not removed in a gentle way there may be damage to the superficial cells, which may be painful and even cause infection and lack of subsequent libido.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 10:57 AM