Selection, superovulation, collection and preparation of oocyte
Experimental animals
Healthy, sexually matured young female golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) of eight to 12 weeks of age weighing between 60 and 120 g should be used for carrying out this test.
Superovulation and recovery of oocytes
Medium for handling oocytes
For handling oocytes, the Biggers, Whitten and Whittingham (BWW) medium (Biggers et al. 1971) with minor modifications should be used.
The tonicity of the medium should be adjusted to 290-300 mosmol /kg and the pH of the medium should be adjusted to 7.2 to 7.3.
The media used for the study should be prepared afresh and sterilized by filtration using sterile single use syringe filter unit.
The triple glass distilled water for the preparation of media should also be autoclaved before use.
Recovery of the oviduct
After 16 to 17 hours of hCG injection, the hamster should be sacrificed by exposing to toxic dose of chloroform anesthesia in a closed chamber.
Then, the hamster should be fixed on a dissection board and under aseptic precautions and the abdomen is opened by midventral incision.
By using curved scissors, the oviducts are removed after severing the uterine and ovarian ends.
The oviducts are then transferred to a drop of handling medium placed in a sterile single use 35 x 10 mm petridish.
Recovery of cumulus mass
The petridish containing oviducts are viewed under the stereozoom microscope and observed for the contractions and relaxations of the ampullar portion of the oviducts.
The cumulus mass are then released by puncturing the ampullar portion with pointed forceps.
Digestion of cumulus mass
Washing of oocytes
After digestion, the oocytes are released from cumulus cells.
The freed oocytes are then aspirated and washed three to four times by successive transfer of the oocytes to drops of medium to remove the cell debris.
Evaluation of oocytes
The washed oocytes should be evaluated under stereozoom microscope for their morphology.
Bright, shiny oocytes with uniform, spherical, regular cytoplasm and an intact zona pellucida are considered as normal.
Removal of zona pellucida
Zona pellucida is removed by treating the oocytes with freshly prepared 0.1% trypsin in mBWW medium for 30 to 60 seconds.
During digestion, the oocytes should be constantly monitored through the stereozoom microscope to avoid excessive digestion.
After the dissolution of zona, the zona-free oocytes are washed three or four times in drops of fresh handling medium and kept ready for coincubation with capacitated bull spermatozoa.
Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:39 AM