Chemical tests
Chemical tests available are
DNA estimation
The available literature shows that the quantity and quality of DNA content of sperm alters during storage, seasonal variation and aging of the male.
This alteration of DNA content may be co-related with fertility.
Gledhill (1966) reported that in infertile bulls the amount of DNA content may not vary but the quality of basic protein alters.
Ascorbic acid content
This method was described by Roy et al., 1950.
Take 0.2 ml of fresh semen in a sterile test tube.
Add 0.8 ml trichlor acetic acid.
Mix the contents well.
Filter the mixture through Whatman filter paper No. 1.
Add 0.05 ml of 2,6 dichlorophenol indophenol solution in a centrifuge tube.
Titer it against protein free filtrate of semen in a micropipette.
Check the end point where the pink color disappears.
A blank solution of 0.2 ml of standard ascorbic acid plus 0.8 ml of 10% trichlor acetic acid is titrated against 0.05 ml of 2, 6 dichlorophenol indophenol dye.
Titration reading of standard
Ascorbic acid concentration = ------------------------------------------ x 1.2
Titration reading of unknown
Preparation of dye
Extract 100 mg of 2, 6 dichlorophenol indophenol through a filter paper with 25 ml of boiling distilled water. It can be kept as stock solution. This can be stored in refrigerated temperature. On the day of estimation 5 ml of stock solution is made up to 100 ml by adding freshly boiled and cooled distilled water.
Standard ascorbic acid
Stock solution can be prepared by dissolving 60 mg of ascorbic acid in 5% acetic acid and the volume 100 ml. For routine use 1 ml of the the stock solution is diluted with 5% actetic acid to 100 ml. Thus 1.2 gm of ascorbic acid are present in 100 ml of solution.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 12:42 PM