Physical methods of evaluation of semen


Various physical tests available to assess the semen quality are

Objective method of measurement of motility

Computer assisted semen analysis system (phase contrast microscope, cameras and control monitor with personal computer with 640 kb CPU co-processor and digitizer with 256 grey valves terminal printer) will yield exact data regarding motility, concentration, velocity of cells, ratio of live cells, quantity of required diluent and straws. It has the capacity of storing entire production information.

Impedance change frequency

This technique involves the passage of electric current with very low voltage in the freshly collected semen. This impedance caused by motile spermatozoa is recorded in the meter. Semen charged with electric current during impedance change frequency test is safe and can be used subsequently for artificial insemination.

Filteration through Sephadex

Last modified: Monday, 4 June 2012, 11:38 AM