5. Koels


  • The true koels, Eudynamys, are a genus of cuckoos from Asia, Australia and the Pacific.
  • They are large sexually dimorphic cuckoos which eat fruits and insects and have loud distinctive calls.
  • They are brood parasites, laying their eggs in the nests of other species.
  • In New Zealand the Long-tailed Koel is known as the Long-tailed Cuckoo
  •  Two other species, the White-crowned Koel and the Dwarf Koel, are also known as koels but are in their own monotypic genera.
  • The male is all black, about the same size but slimmer than the crow. The female is brown, profusely spotted and barred with white.
  • Male's loud sound is monotonus calls ‑ kuo kuo kuo and the female has metallic clicking call which carries a long way.

Male Asian koel Asian koel -female

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:53 AM