


  • The order Psittaciformes consists of approximately three hundred and thirty species, which are mainly confined to tropical regions. 
  • They have sharply curved upper beak that fits over their lower bill
  • The degree of curvature depends on the species concerned, and this in turn reflect its function.
  • Long billed Corella uses its upper mandible to dig for roots.
  • Another well-known characteristic of parrots is their potentially long lifespan.
  • The parrots have the ability to mimic the sounds, including that of human voice. 
  • Parrots obtained in young can be easily tamed and devoted to their owners.


  • The Budgerigar or Common Pet Parakeet (Melopsittacus undulatus), often called a budgie or parakeet, is a small parrot and the only species in the Australian genus Melopsittacus.
  • A small long-tailed predominantly green and yellow bird with black scalloped markings on the wings and shoulders in the wild, the Budgerigar has been bred extensively with a profusion of colour forms resulting.


  • Another member of the parrot family from the arid interior Australia.
  • The distinctive crest of the Cockatiel can be held erect or lowered, which is a feature otherwise peculiar to the cockatoos.  nevertheless, unlike cockatoos has evolved a long tail and is of slimmer proportion overall.
  • They also have very different call notes, cockatiels possess an inoffensive voice, compared with the harsh screeches of the cockatoos. 


  • Lovebirds are a group of small short tailed parrots occurring in Africa and on certain offshore islands.
  • Nine species form the genus, and all are characterized by their unusual breeding behavious.
  • Love birds collect nesting materials, with which they line the nest site, carrying it either in their beak or tucked in among the feather of the rump, depending upon the species concerned.  in spite of their name lovebirds can prove extremely aggressive, especially when breeding, and for this reason it is safer to keep pairs on their own.
  •  They are highly attractive and rewarding bird to keep.


  • Macaws is characterized by large area of essentially bare facial skin on either sided of the head.
  • Though the posses fearsome beaks, macaws can prove very gentle, but never take any chance with an unknown birds.  they are not usually mimics, but are certainly intelligent birds. 
  • Macaws show a strong tendency to become one-person pets, and this can present a great problem when purchasing a tame adult bird that is used to its surrounding.
  • They have long potential lifespan and mature slowly.


  • All cockatoos can be instantly recognized by their crests, which are raised when the birds are excited or alarmed.
  • Most cockatoos are white but some are pink or black. 
  • They have extremely strong, heavy bills.
  • The largest is the Black Palm cockatoo of 28 inches.   
  • The Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, Cacatua galerita, is a relatively large white cockatoo found in wooded habitats in Australia and New Guinea. They can be locally very numerous, leading to them sometimes being considered pests. They are well known in aviculture, although they can be demanding pets.

Parrots Budgergar Cockatiel
Lovebird Macaw Cockatoos

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:50 AM