Grit feeding


  • Birds cannot grind up their food. They can break the seeds open with their beaks, but the actual grinding of the food takes place in the proventriculus.
  • This is accomplished with the aid of grit that must be supplied in their diet.
  • Grit is available in two forms, soluble and insoluble.
  • The soluble form is usually oyster shell that breaks down and serves as a source of minerals.
  • The insoluble form is usually crushed granite, the insoluble grit provides the primary base for which the food material is rubbed and worked against to grind the food up.
  • Grit should be available to the birds at all times.
  • Cuttlefish bone should be provided as a source of calcium; cuttlefish are marine mollusks.
  • Female birds need a supply of calcium for the making of egg shells.
  • Some small birds may have trouble in breaking or chewing off pieces of the cuttlefish bone; pieces may have to be cut or shaved off for them.

  Grit feeding

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:40 AM