Feeding of cage birds


  • Based on the feeding behaviour cage birds can be differentiated into various categories.
  • Munias, Parakeets and Budgerigar are seed eaters or hard bills.
  • Mynah is insect eater or soft bill.
  • Koels, Pegions and doves fall into two classes seed eater and fruit eaters.
  • Generally insect eater requires more care in feeding where as seed eaters are easily fed.
  • In addition to seeds like cowpea, peanut, Bengal gram; grains like rice, maize, millet and wheat; vegetables, greens and mashes; minerals and vitamins should also be provided.
  • Soaked seeds are better than un soaked seeds.
  • Cuttle fish bone and shell grit should also be available to seed eating birds. Grit enables a seed eater to digest its food properly.
  • Although birds lack teeth they still require a grinding surface to break up its hard seed and make it accessible to digestive enzymes.
  • Shell grit is broken down in the digestive tract and provides additional source of minerals to the birds.

Soft bill   Hard bill   bird feeder

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:40 AM