Feeding of mynah


  • Mynah birds will not eat seeds and do not need grit or cuttlefish in their diet.
  • Mynah birds are fed special softbill pellets 
  • Mynah birds also need fruit in their diet, apple slices, grapes, orange slices, and banana slices are the most common.
  • Dried fruits can also be used, provided they are soaked and rinsed off before feeding.
  • Mynah birds also like live food such as meal worms.
  • Mynahs, particularly when they are breeding, like live food, like flies, spiders, moths, snails, butter flies, crickets Beatles, etc., added to their diet.
  • Instead of live food we can use a combination in which 3 of the ration should be minced raw lean meat, the balance being composed of equal parts of soft food, poultry crumbs, and fine puppy meal which have been soaked with hot water until soft.
  • We can also provide hard boiled egg made into mash. Also add sweet ripe fruits in the diet.

Common mynah   Myha feeding young   Common myna feeding on worm

Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 10:37 AM