Taxonomical classification
Order = Rosales
Family = Rosaceae
Genus = Prunus
Sub genus = Cerasus
Species = avium
Basic chromosome = 8
Somatic number =16

  • Cherries occupy an important position among temperate fruits all over the world.
  • The cultivated cherries are divided into two main group i.e. sweet cherries ( Prunus avium) and sour cherries (P.cerasus).
  • The sweet cherry is mainly used for table purpose and sour cherries for processing.
  • Cherries are rich in protein, sugar, potassium, calcium, iron and zinc.
  • Sweet cherries are believed to have originated between in area between black and Caspian sea in Southern Europe.
  • The earliest records indicate that it was first domesticated in Greece around 300 BC. It spread to Italy from Greece where it was established as a fruit crop by 37 BC. Early setter’s brought seeds to North America and part of South America.
  • In India, it was introduced by british settler’s in Kashmir, Kullu and Shimla hills during pre –independence era.
Area and production:
  • The cherries are extensively grown in all the temperate countries.
  • The leading cherry producing countries area USSR, USA, West Germany, Italy and France.
  • In the world, it is grown in 381482 ha and fruit production is 2196537 MT (FAO,2009-10).
  • In India, it occupies an an area of 3264 ha with a production of 12690 MT and is extensively grown in the state of Jammu and Kashmir, in area of 1110 ha with a production of 605MT and in HP in an area of 453 ha and production is 419 MT (Annon., 2009-10).

Morphological Characters:
  • Sweet cherry is a tall tree, branches are erect, leaves are large, thin, pubescent beneath and serrated.
  • The petioles are long having two or more swollen glands.
  • The fruit is cordate in shape, has deep cavity and apex is rounded or pointed
  • The floral buds are borne on 2 year old shoot or at the base of 1 year old shoot and found only on lateral, simple flower buds.
  • Flowers are white in colure and have 5 petals, numerous stamens, single style and an ovary with a single carpel containing two ovules.
  • The fruit colour of cherry varies with varieties and may be yellow, red or purplish black.
  • The texture of the flesh is tender or firm, sweet and yellow or red or dark purple in colour.
  • On the bases of flesh, sweet cherries have been divide into two pomological groups : Heart Group and Bigarreau Group.
  • The Heart cherry varieties. have soft and tender flesh and heart shaped fruits. The fruit colour varies from dark with reddish juice to light coloured with colour less juice.
  • The Bigarreau Group of cherries is usually roundish. The colour of fruit and juice also varies from dark red to light red.
  • Sweet cherry requires cool climate.
  • It is grown successfully in areas between 2,000 and 2,700m above mean sea-level, requiring 1,000-1,500hr chilling period during winters.
  • Cherry blossom is very sensitive to spring frost; therefore frost-free sites of hill slope and valley areas with and an drainage of cold air are preferred.
  • Since southern and south –western aspects are warmer, they should not be selected for cultivation at lower elevations.
  • Generally, North-East or North-West aspects are most suitable for cherry cultivation.
  • An annual rainfall of 100-120 cm, well-distributed throughout the year us desirable but high rainfall during flowering results in heavy blossom wilt.
  • At the time of fruit ripening heavy rains causes fruit cracking. Therefore, weather should be dry at the time of fruit ripening and locations having early on set of monsoon should be avoided.
  • A well-drained deep sandy loam soil with pH 6.5-7.0, which can hold, moisture during summer are most suitable.
  • The cherry plant is very sensitive to water logging and therefore so heavy soil should be avoided.

  • About 120 varieties are available in germplasm repository. Most of them belong to sweet cherry group. All varieties are divided into 2 groups.


1.Heart Group
Fruit is heart-shaped having soft and tender flesh. Colour of fruit varies from dark with reddish juice to light coloured with colorless juice. Red Heart, Black Heart are important varieties of this group.

2. Bigarreau group
Fruit roundish, colour of fruit and juice varies from dark to light red. Sam, Summit, Sue, Sunbrust, Lapins, Compact Stella and hybrid (13-17-40) are new promising varieties.



Last modified: Tuesday, 26 June 2012, 9:18 PM