

    Gladiolus can be propagated through
      (i) Corms
      (ii) Cormels
      (iii) Seeds and
      (iv)Tissue culture
    (i) Through Corms
    • Propagation of gladiolus through corms is a commercially used method.
    • A single corm produces on an average of 1 to 3 flowers along with daughter corms in a season depending upon its size and the variety.
    • 10-50 cormels can be obtained from a single corm.
    (ii) Through Cormels
    • Cormels from corms are healkthier planting material.
    • The multiplication of gladiolus through cormels is an inexpensive and rapid method which enables build up of large stocks with minimum cost.
    • The cormels also tend to escape diseases of viruses even if the parent corm is infected.
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 11:46 AM