Method of Planting of Corms

Method of Planting of Corms

  • Only the non-dormant corms should be planted.
  • The emergence of root buds at the base of the corms shows that the corms are ready for planting.
  • The corms should be suitably treated with fungicides before planting.
  • When planting, the lower portion of the corm should be placed on the soil such that the bud at the top lies straight above. 
  • It is done to make sure that the stem grows erect and does not show crooked growth.
  • At planting time, the soil should contain sufficient moisture to facilitate uniform sprouting of corms.
  • The depth of planting depends more on the size of the planting materials. The medium and smaller sized corms are generally planted upto 7 cm deep while large or jumbo corms to a depth up to 15 cm.
  • Planting is carried out during October in plains and March-April in hills.
  • The row to row distance is normally 40 cm while plant-to-plant is 15 cm.
  • The requirement of the corms per hectare is roughly 1, 50,000-2, 00,000.
Last modified: Thursday, 26 April 2012, 6:36 AM