Harvesting and Storage of Corms

Harvesting and Storage of Corms

  • It generally takes 6-8 weeks after harvesting of spikes fro the corms to become mature and ready for lifting.
  • Plant growth stops at this stage.
  • Irrigations should normally be withheld at least 2-3 weeks before harvesting of corms.
  • In India, lifting of corms is carried out manually with small garden forks or ‘khurpas’.
  • After lifting the corms from the soil, the upper leafy portions should be removed by twisting and breaking the stalk.
  • The old withering mother corms attached to the bottom of the newly-formed corms should also be removed similarly with the thumb.
  • The cormels should also be separated simultaneously and handled separately.
  • The corms usually get damaged or bruised during harvesting and cleaning operations.
  • The corms should be cleaned, dipped for 30 min in 0.3% Captan 50 WP and shade-dried at an aerated place for about 15 days.
  • Corms are then packed in crates or in net bags and cold-stored at 3-7oC.
  • From cold storage, these corms should be taken out one month prior to planting and kept at ambient conditions at an aerated place.
  • The corms or cormels of different cultivars must be handled separately and labeling properly so that they do not get mixed up.
  • Before planting, these are once again dipped for one hour in 0.3% Captan solution
Last modified: Wednesday, 20 June 2012, 11:47 AM