A). In Pots
Anthurium especially the miniature type, A. scherzerianum and its hybrids have to be grown in pots to use them as potted plants.
When young the plants can be planted in smaller pots (4”) and as they grow they can be shifted to bigger pots (6” to 10” diameter).
Depending on the plant size, the pots have to be arranged in such a way that the foliage does not overlap with the leaves of adjacent pots.
B). in Beds
When planting is done in soil, the plants have to be grown in 1.00 meter wide raised beds with gentle slope, which facilitates good drainage.
The beds have to be raised approximately 30cm in height which gets compressed due to frequent irrigation and other cultural practices.
The beds are prepared by digging about 2 feet deep and filling the pits with the chosen growing medium.
The dug out soil is thoroughly mixed with chosen growing medium and is used as top layer to create the raised beds.
The mixing of soil with the medium, which is otherwise loose and friable, prevents runoff of the medium.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 7:02 AM