

  • Anthurium flowers are harvested when the spathe is completely unfurls and the spadix is well developed.
  • Development of true flowers on the spadix is also used as a criterion for harvesting the blooms.
  • When one third of the flowers on the spadix mature, change of colour can be observed that moves from base to tip of spadix at that stage the flowers are harvested.
  • Harvesting has to be done during cooler parts of the day i.e. early morning or late evening.
  • The flowers are cut below leaving 2cm stem on the plant & kept in the bucket containing water.
  • Flowers are graded according to the length of the stalk and diameter of the spathe
  • The flower stalk length varies from 25 to 50cm.
  • Depending upon the cultural practices, planting density and variety, 5 to 10 flowers can be obtained per plant per year.
  • An average yield of 2,25, 000 blooms of exportable quality can be obtained per hectares per year.
  • Average price of Anthurium in Europe is US $1.50 per flower.
  • In the India cities, prices vary from Rs.15 to Rs.30 per flower in florist shops, while growers get Rs.6 to Rs.10 per flower.
  • We can expect 5-7 flowers per year per plant for first one and half year to two years and
  • 10 to 12 flowers per plant per year after 2 years of planting.
  • Generally, some varieties are high productive & some are low productive.
  • 6-8 months after planting we can harvest the flowers.
  • Besides flowers, Anthurium leaves can be sold in the international market.
Last modified: Monday, 11 June 2012, 7:06 AM