Result demonstration is a method of motivating the people for adoption of a new practice by showing its distinctly superior result. Or
A result demonstration is a method of teaching designed to show by example the practical application of an established fact, or group of related facts.
It is a way of showing people the value or worth of an improved practice whose success has already been established on the research station, followed by district trails or observation plots.
In this method the new practice is compared with the old one so that the villagers may see and judge the results for themselves. Such demonstration requires a substantial period of time and records need to be maintained.
The result demonstration may
- Deal with a single practice
- It may be concerned with a series of related practices
- In some instances it may include the entire farm
Common principles underlying result demonstration
- What a farmer himself does or sees, he will believe
- What is good for one person will have general application to others(under similar conditions)
Objectives or Purpose:
- To show the advantages and applicability of a newly recommended practice in farmer’s own situation
- To motivate groups of people in a community to adopt a new practice by showing its result
- To build up confidence of the farmers and extension agents
- To develop innovation leadership
Procedure or technique:
Analyze situation and determine need:
- Is it necessary to establish further confidence in local application of research findings and results of observation plots?
- What has been the experience of the extension worker in guiding the carrying out of the practice under similar conditions?
- Is it possible to locate good illustration of the practice locally, obviating the necessity of expensive result demonstrations?
- Is the need for result demonstration felt by the farmers?
Decide upon specific purpose:
- Which particular audience should have the learning experience?
- What specifically do you want them to learn?
- Is it to give confidence to the extension worker and provide him with teaching material?
- Is it to develop confidence in extension on the part of a community or of a minority group with whom extension worker is not known well and favorably?
Plan the Result Demonstration:
- Consult subject matter specialist
- Make as simple and clear – cut possible
- Decide upon evidence needed and how local proof will be established
- Determine number of demonstrations needed to accomplish purpose
- Locate sources of material
- Reduce plans to writing
Select demonstrators:
- Consult with local leaders and select a demonstrator who commands the confidence and respect of his neighbours, and who is interests in improving his practices
- Visit the prospective demonstrator to make that all conditions for success of demonstration are favourable
- The demonstrator should be conscious of his responsibility for the successful completion of the demonstration and its effect upon the community
- The demonstrator should be willing for the demonstrator and leave written instructions preferable.
- Select the plot:
- The plot should be representative
- The plot should be located preferably in a roadside field for easy accessibility and publicity
Start the demonstration:
- Give wide publicity before starting the demonstration
- Get all the materials ready
- Start the demonstration in the presence of the villagers
- Assist in getting the demonstration under way to make certain that the omission of some key point will not make later work fruitless
- Arrange for a method demonstration meeting where a skill may be involved in the beginning stage of demonstration or later
- Mark the demonstration plots with large signs, so that all can see
Supervise the demonstration:
- Visit the demonstration plot with sufficient frequency to maintain demonstrators interest, check on progress and see that succeeding steps are performed as outlined
- Maintain records and assist he demonstrator also in keeping proper records
- Give publicity to the demonstration and the farmer at suitable stages
- Conduct tours to successful demonstrations at proper times
- Let the demonstrator himself explain to visitors, as far as possible Mention in news stories, circular letters, radio talks etc. at critical stages
Complete the demonstration:
- See that final steps to complete the demonstration are taken
- Take photographs
- Summarize records. Analyze and interpret data
- Give wide publicity to results of demonstration
- Encourage demonstrator to report at meetings
- Prepare visual aids based on the results of demonstration
- Get other farmers to agree to demonstrate during the next season
Points for consideration in result demonstration:
- The students should demonstrate on specific problems of the area-drilling wheat against broadcast, raising paddy by transplanting against seeded, hybrid maize against local variety.
- It should be carried out correctly, in detail and must be in sequence.
- Better to conduct more than one demonstration in the same village, on the same object.
- Never try to discover new truths, but rather try to improve the adaptability to local situations of those discoveries already made by research specialists in the area.
- Emphasis on the quality of demonstrations rather than increasing the number and having a poor quality.
- Do not repeat demonstration repeatedly.
- The demonstration should be located by a well-traveled roadside or path.
- Demonstrate as soon as results are evident.
- Present definite and detailed costs of practices and item of the practices and compare it with the traditional methods or control.
- Hold meetings at demonstrations sites to study progress and results and to disseminate the information so that other farmers get convinced, and adopt the practices.
- Use audio-visual aids to support the results of demonstrations
- Gives the extension worker extra assurance that recommendation is practical and furnishes local proof of its advantages
- Increases confidence of farmers in extension worker and his recommendations
- Useful in introducing a new practice
- Contributes to discovery of local leaders
- Provides teaching material for further use by extension worker.
- Need more time, energy and funds for extension work
- Unsuccessful demonstrations may cause some setback to extension work
- Difficult to find good demonstrators who will keep records
- Teaching value frequently destroyed by unfavorable weather and other factors
- Few people see the demonstration at the stage when it is most convincing
- Unsuccessful demonstrations may undermine the prestige of Extension and entails loss of confidence