Choice of visuals

Lesson 21 : Visual Aids

Choice of visuals

In using teaching aids we have to be selective and also have to take into consideration the stage of the adoption process and also the audience. A poster, for example, may not be of much help in the awareness stage, an exhibition may be an ideal medium to enthuse our audience for adoption of the practice at the trial or testing stage. Similarly puppet show may not be of much use if the farmers are facing an epidemic in their cattle. An epidemic calls for immediate action and we have to organize a practical demonstration of the control measures together with repeated broadcast of the message on the radio to be effective.

Teaching aids have to be used in support of a talk to bring out the salient features which we want the audience to learn. They are only aids to verbal words and the words depend on the teaching aids as much as the teaching aids depend on the words.

Last modified: Saturday, 3 December 2011, 4:56 AM